Disaster and Community Crisis Center

The Disaster and Community Crisis Center (DCC) at the University of Missouri focuses on enhancing preparedness, recovery, and resilience in children, families, schools, and communities affected by disaster and community crisis. DCC is an interdisciplinary center with expertise in mental and behavioral health, social work, public health, communication, mass media, social media, and journalism.

News and Upcoming Events


Resilience and Coping Intervention (RCI)

RCI helps youth and adults share and identify skills to cope with disasters, community trauma, or other challenges. Find out more.

Disasters and the Media

How can parents and teachers help children cope with media coverage of disasters? Find help here.

Building Resilience with Hunter and Eve

Join woodland creatures, Hunter the fox and Eve the owl, in their forest adventures as they learn steps to stay safe, keep calm, solve problems, and more! Click Here.